Live like a song - Suicide Prevention PSA

Let’s imagine … you and your four best friends are at a concert.
You’re all listening to the same song but dancing your own dance.
That’s kind of how life is, you know.
We are all living on this planet together but we’re all experiencing it completely different.

Now, look at your friends again.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness,
one of the 5 of you is living with mental illness.

Mental illnesses include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.
When left untreated, the risk for suicide increases dramatically.

Every single day, as many as 123 people die by suicide in the United States.
More alarming is that in Wisconsin, the suicide rate has risen by 25% in the last 15 years.

So, get to know the warning signs of suicide:
Listen for talk of feeling hopeless, trapped or of being a burden.
Watch for behavior changes like withdrawal from friends or changes in mood and sleep.
Notice their mood: are they depressed, anxious, irritable or strangely relieved.

Here’s how you can help…
Talk privately with your friend.
Listen to their story.
Tell them they matter.
Ask if they’re feeling suicidal.
Encourage them to seek treatment.
And avoid minimizing their problems.

Need help? Call 800-273-8255 to talk to the team at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. If there is an urgent emergency, dial 911.

My friends in the People Brothers Band have a song that says,
“How much better would this world be if you live your life like a song?”
And what a great reminder, since we’re all dancing to that song called life together.

My friends, take a cue from the music
you feel in your heart and
be the one to save someone’s life.

This is   a public service announcement from
98.7 - The Voice of Monona,
Valerie’s Workshop and
The People Brothers Band.
Please, don’t forget …  WE care about YOU and want you to keep dancing!


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