Now that cold and flu season is upon it, it's time to tackle your workplace wellness! From Thieves wipes to a USB diffuser, there are multiple ways of keeping your office clean and calm and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way. Let me know if you're interested in ordering or want to know more about Young Living Essential Oils .
As long as I can remember I have shared a love of crafts with my mother. Many of my early memories took place around the craft table with my mother and brother and usually involved some sort of glue, a bit of a mess and a lot of imagination (the perfect combination to hold my interest for hours). Nearly all of my most prized possessions are items that my mother made for me; not a holiday goes by without decorating with an item she made. My mother always encouraged creativity and helped us pursue whatever craft brought us happiness, whether it was piano lessons, art classes or the purchase of yet another box of crayons. Throughout my life, whenever I was bored, gloomy or preparing for a holiday, I turned to my own craft supply bin and creativity; something I had been learning to do from my mother's example over many years. For this most recent Mother's Day, rather then sending my Mom a bouquet of flowers that would wilt just as soon as receiving them, or a box of chocolate...
Valerie has been blessed to know and care for many individuals living with Alzheimer's and other dementias throughout her years as a caregiver/nursing assistant but also in her personal life. She knows firsthand how dramatically these conditions can affect the lives of not only the person with the disease but those caring for them. She has been inspired to do more! In 2019, Valerie completed the process of becoming an Early Stage Leader for the Alzheimer's Association with the intent of hosting monthly Memory Cafes in Madison, Wisconsin. "A memory café is a meeting place for anyone who is experiencing beginning changes in memory. It can be a fun way to connect with others who are dealing with the same issues. The intent is for the person and their family or friends to come together in a relaxed and social environment to connect with one another. Each memory café is unique as the participants are encouraged to make it their own ." -
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