What brings me joy ...

Well, I had a much needed day off today. I spent the morning curled up under the covers, finally making my escape around 10 o'clock. After running to Gotham Bagles for breakfast (you should try their pineapple mint fresh squeezed juice, it's amazing) I headed straight to the Camera Company. There I picked up my freshly cleaned 35mm camera, a few rolls of film, some prints and some new batteries. They even let me look at a Holga for a little while. (Take note, I do not own a Holga yet but would love to. Did I mention my birthday is in April?) After a few stops at my favorite local vintage clothing stores, I went home to go through my purchases. Among all the goodies was a couple sets of prints of photos I took while on vacation in Tennessee during the summer of 2009. Most of the photos are of Bodie and his exploits around my moms yard/animal grazing area. Looking through these photos reminded me that no matter how convenient digital photography is, there is a style and class that you get from 35mm film that digital just cannot replace. So enjoy the photos ... I can make additional prints if you really like them!






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